Upcoming U.S. Army Deployments to Europe and Middle East
Despite the recent coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. army is moving forward with plans for summer troops rotation in Europe, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. This announcement came in as the Pentagon issued its newest version of a sweeping stop-movement order, aimed to curb the rapid spread of coronavirus among its troops.
A glance at the Army units tapped for deployment:
The 3rd Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade is set to replace the 1st Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade as part of a consistent rotation of forces in support of the NATO allies and partners.
Major General Antonio A. Aguto, Jr., commander of the 3rd Infantry Division said that the Marne Air Soldiers have undergone rigorous training sessions and are thus, fully prepared for such a critical mission, or anything similar that the nation requires. He showed full confidence in the soldiers and their commanders and looks forward to Falcon Brigade supporting the air capability of the US military as well as their European allies.
The 3rd Security Force Assistant Brigade (SFAB) will change the 2nd SFAB as part of a constant rotation of forces supporting the Operation Freedom Sentinel; the mission in Afghanistan that began in January 2015.
The 3rd SFAB is scheduled to conduct a unit validation exercise at the Joint Readiness Training Center in Fort Polk, Louisiana, this summer.
Brigadier General Charles J. Masaracchia said, “Our team continues to advance the advisor profession forward as we prepare for our upcoming deployment to the CENTCOM AOR”. The 3rd SFAB commander further added, “We are prepared to advise, support, liaise and assess our partnered foreign security force as they work to bring peace and stability to their country.”
Headed to Iraq are the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C., as part of a regular rotation of forces backing the ongoing campaign against the Islamic State group.
The 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, will be deployed to Kuwait for the regular rotation focused on maintaining ready forces in the greater Middle East.
Some units, such as the 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, which was rushed to Kuwait after Christmas amid rising tensions with Iran, have had their deployments extended as the coronavirus pandemic led to widespread restrictions on civilian and military movement around the world.